
We are glad to share with you about the results of our work, company news,and give you timely developments and personnel appointment and removal conditions.
  • The exquisite nature requires the use of food-grade paper in their packaging boxes. There will be one more gimmick in marketing, adding a selling point to the product. But the purchase of food grade paper is different from the purchase of ordinary white cardboard. Another knowledge of materials is coating. A layer of oil-repellent coating is poured on the surface of the base paper. This is also food grade. Like the packaging bags used in hospitals, industrial-grade pellicles are used. The coating process is also produced in rolls, and different thicknesses can be required, such as 0.18mm, 0.4mm and so on.


  • Pulp molded tableware has four advantages:


  • On May 31, 2021, the EU promulgated the "Guidelines for Disposable Plastic Products" once again clarified the relevant definitions. In order to implement the EU Directive No. 2019/904 (SUP Directive) on disposable products, the directive will take effect on July 3, 2021.


  • On June 16th, 2021, the eco bagasse food boxes required by Shenglin Packaging's customer were loaded into a 40 HQ container at the factory.


  • The annual Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, according to China's national statutory holiday arrangements. The holiday schedule of Shenglin Packaging is from June 12 to June 14.


  • On June 8th, 2021, the eco bagasse food containers required by Shenglin Packaging's customer were loaded into a 40 HQ container at the factory.


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